Bentuk Dehumanisasi Dalam Novel “Surti Dan Tiga Sawunggaling” Karya Goenawan Mohammad


  • As. Shabiriyatun Nisa STKIP PGRI Sumenep
  • Moh. Kholiqul Farisy STKIP PGRI Sumenep
  • Sifatul Jannah STKIP PGRI Sumenep
  • Mas’odi STKIP PGRI Sumenep



Forms of Dehumanization, Surti and the Three Sawunggaling Novels, Goenawan Muhammad


This research aims to describe the forms of dehumanization contained in the novel Surti and Tiga Sawunggaling by Goenawan Mohammad. The method used is descriptive qualitative with an objective approach. The research data is in the form of sentence quotations and dialogues in the novel that show the existence of human degradation. The data is obtained through literature study technique. The results show that there are several forms of dehumanization in the novel Surti and Tiga Sawunggaling. These forms of dehumanization include: 1. Dehumanization of slander, 2. Dehumanization of psychological impact, 3. Dehumanization of murder. Dehumanization in this novel is presented by Goenawan Mohammad to describe the social reality of Indonesian society during the revolutionary period.


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How to Cite

As. Shabiriyatun Nisa, Moh. Kholiqul Farisy, Sifatul Jannah, & Mas’odi. (2025). Bentuk Dehumanisasi Dalam Novel “Surti Dan Tiga Sawunggaling” Karya Goenawan Mohammad. Student Research Journal, 3(1), 17–25.

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