Manajemen Evaluasi Kinerja: Dampak Kepemimpinan di The Jungle Bogor


  • Adie Nugraha Natanegara Institut Bisnis dan Multimedia ASMI
  • Sri Sundari Institut Bisnis dan Multimedia ASMI
  • Marisi Pakpahan Institut Bisnis dan Multimedia ASMI



Performance Evaluation, Leadership, Leadership Influence


This journal aims to analyze organizational performance evaluation by focusing on the impact of leadership at The Jungle Waterpark Bogor. The research involves data collection through feedback from various levels and functions within the organization, encompassing the perspectives of employees from various departments. Performance evaluation is conducted by considering factors such as employee well-being, recognition of rights, and interactions with leadership. The results of this study provide an in-depth understanding of how leadership influences organizational dynamics and employee performance in the entertainment industry.


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