Peran Pengikut dalam Kepemimpinan Spiritual pada Pegawai di Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo


  • Rizki Hidayaturrochman Universitas Ibrahimy
  • Aisyatin Kamila Universitas Ibrahimy



spiritual leadership, followers, spirituality


This study explores the role of followers in spiritual leadership at Ibrahimy University Situbondo, focusing on how followers’ spirituality, values, and expectations influence their interactions with leaders and their impact on the effectiveness of spiritual leadership. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, this study involved in-depth interviews and observations of university employees. The results showed that spiritual leadership, based on values ​​such as compassion, justice, and integrity, can increase employee job satisfaction, engagement, and commitment. Followers with higher levels of spirituality are more easily connected to the spiritual values ​​promoted by the leader, creating synergy between personal and organizational goals. In contrast, followers with lower spirituality require a more flexible and personal leadership approach. This study emphasizes the importance of adapting leadership according to followers’ spirituality and the need for organizations to facilitate spiritual development in order to create a harmonious and productive work environment.


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