Penerapan Prinsip Good Corporate Governance Pada Perseroan Terbatas


  • Febri khoirul auni Universitas Trunojoyo
  • Sumriyah Sumriyah Universitas Trunojoyo



Business, Good Corporate Governance, Limited Liability Company, Prins


To avoid conflicts between the interests of the parties which can cause significant costs and for the sake of business continuity, implementing good corporate governance in PT is an absolute thing to do, because PT as a legal entity has different qualities and characteristics with different forms. Other efforts, one of which is the separation of assets between the owner (shareholder) and the legal entity of the company itself. The implementation of good corporate governance actually not only has a positive impact on the PT itself for business continuity, but also for investor protection which also has an impact on improving the country's economy, especially in relation to government programs related to the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) in terms of the country's economic development. . For companies, good corporate governance is an asset and requires commitment and investment. A culture of good corporate governance must be developed, including aspects of decision making in management. The application of good corporate governance principles in a PT must be considered as an intangible asset that will provide sufficient good results in terms of providing added value to shareholders. Apart from that, good corporate governance is also needed to avoid conflicts between the interests of the parties which can cause significant costs and for the sake of business continuity, because PT as a legal entity has different qualities and characteristics from other forms of business.


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How to Cite

Febri khoirul auni, & Sumriyah Sumriyah. (2023). Penerapan Prinsip Good Corporate Governance Pada Perseroan Terbatas. Birokrasi: JURNAL ILMU HUKUM DAN TATA NEGARA, 2(1), 199–209.

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