Edukasi Stimulasi Perkembangan Balita Dengan KPSP (Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan) Di Desa Randusari Kecamatan Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal


  • Ike Putri Setyatama Universitas Bhamada Slawi
  • Siswati Siswati Universitas Bhamada Slawi
  • Masturoh Masturoh Universitas Bhamada Slawi



Education, Development, KPSP, Toddler


One of the efforts to detect deviations in child development is by early detection, so that prevention, stimulation, healing and recovery efforts can be given correctly according to the indications. Detection for growth and development is an effort that needs to be supported, because it is one way to prepare quality future generations. Based on a preliminary survey conducted on mothers who had toddlers visiting Posyandu in Randusari village, it was found that mothers did not understand developmental stimulation in toddlers in order to detect early developmental delays.The prevalence of toddlers experiencing the greatest stunting at the beginning of 2022 in Tegal Regency is in Pagerbarang District (40%) exceeding the target set by the government which is no more than 20%. The technique of implementing community service is carried out by providing education on toddler development using KPSP.The results of the implementation of community service which was attended by 60 participants, namely education related to stimulation of development with KPSP, that most mothers of toddlers have understood the meaning of development, stages of development according to the age of their children, and stimulation of development that can be carried out by mothers and families. With the enthusiasm of the participants, local area stakeholders hope that similar activities can be carried out continuously in the working area of ​​the Pagerbarang Health Center. The output of the service also results in the publication of scientific articles related to the stimulation of growth and development of toddlers.


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How to Cite

Setyatama, I. P., Siswati Siswati, & Masturoh Masturoh. (2023). Edukasi Stimulasi Perkembangan Balita Dengan KPSP (Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan) Di Desa Randusari Kecamatan Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal. Sejahtera: Jurnal Inspirasi Mengabdi Untuk Negeri, 2(2), 105–113.