Bimbingan Belajar Bahasa Inggris bagi Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Dasar


  • Susanto Susanto STKIP PGRI Trenggalek
  • Yahmun Yahmun IKIP Budi Utomo



children, English, tutorial


English tutoring program comes to provide the English tutor for elementary students as one strategy to improve quality of English communication. The purposes of this program were to introduce the basic materials for children and to pronounce the basic vocabularies and sentences related to the daily life.This program was held at RT 09 and RW 04 Ngrayung, Ngadirenggo Village Pogalan-Trenggalek (East Java) and the praticipants were 20 students of class 4-6. The program was  done during 3 months. The method used consisted of socialization, workshop and tutorial.The results showed that the students were interested in learning English. In the early meetings, students found difficulties to pronounce the vocabularies. The students were able to pronounce after 3 meetings even some students still make  mistakes. In learning English; students were active in playing games, singing, spelling, pronouncing and role play. The results of pre test showed that only one student passed in the test, while nineteen students failed. The average score was 57.35. This means that the students must follow the English program. The results of post test showed that twenty students passed in the test. It was shown in the individual score. The data revealed that 8 students got 60-69 while 12 students got 70-79. The average score was 70. Therefore; the English tutoring program for elementary students can improve their learning achievement in English.


Cameron, L. 2001. Teaching Language to Young Learners.London: Cambridge University.

Halliwell, Susan. (2004). Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. New York: Longman Publishing.

Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Pearson Education Limited.

Juhana. (2014). Teaching English to Young Learners: Some Points to be Considered. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning (ISSN: 2321 – 2454) Volume 02 – Issue 01, February 2014. Retrievedfrom

Lewis, Gordon & Gunter, Gunher. (2000). Games for Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Moon, Jayne. (2000). Children Learning English. New York: Macmillan Heinemann.

Pišlar, Betka. et. al. (2009). Five Elements of Teaching English to Young Learners: An Example from Little Red Riding Hood.MEXTESOL Journal, Volume 33, No.1, 2009. Retrieved from

Wright, Andrew, et. al. (2006). Games for Language Learning: Third Edition.

New York: Cambridge University Press.




How to Cite

Susanto Susanto, & Yahmun Yahmun. (2023). Bimbingan Belajar Bahasa Inggris bagi Siswa-Siswi Sekolah Dasar. Sejahtera: Jurnal Inspirasi Mengabdi Untuk Negeri, 3(1), 221–229.